Day 8

May 24, 2013

Broshyan school
Broshyan school

Today we visited the Broshyan school. We met the kids in fifth grade and introduced ourselves. Then we went to Fallen Heros Bantyon and planted trees. We had a fun time planting the trees in the holes, then watering them. I think by planting the trees together we all got to know each other better.


After that we went to Armenia Tree Project Education Center in Karin. We talked about forests and what they do and give to people. We said that the trees in the forest give us oxygen and fruit. They also give us paper and wood to make houses. We were also assigned partners to talk with. When we had lunch, both the classes taught each other new games. We took pictures near the plants and got on the bus to go to the Madenataran.


When we got to the Madenataran, we saw all kinds of books including the Giant and the Dwarf. Madenataran was built in 1957 by Mark Grigoryan. The Madenataran also has ancient manuscripts and illuminated manuscripts. We saw a rock that said “Whoever destroys our churches will be punished and cursed by God. I had a really fun time looking at the books, planting and learning about trees. Today was awesome!

Beiyna Chaparian

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