Day 4

May 20, 2013

Khor Virab

Today we all got up very early and ate a wonderful breakfast then prepared to depart for Karapagh. Our first stop was Gomidas Ayiki where we visited Gomidas’s Cemetary and sang one of his famous songs “Gakavig”. This cemetery is also the resting place of man authors, writers, singers and actors.


The next stop was to Khor Virab where Krikor Lusavorich was imprisoned for thirteen years. Some people were scared to climb down a steep ladder to the dungeon. Once down, the room was dark, small and had no way out. A small opening in the ceiling was used to drop food and water. Once we got out of Khor Virab, we took the bus to Noravank.

On the way, we saw beautiful scenery of the countryside and vineyards. In the hills stood two churches Noravank and Hopabahk. Once we got there, we ate lunch prepared by the local people who made fresh lavash bread and in gratitude we sang to them for entertainment. On the way we saw many sheep herders and their sheep . After the long journey in the bus we arrived in Shushi, Karapagh which is known for its charm, traditions and history.

Taline Chaprazian

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