Day 4

May 24, 2011


This morning we had breakfast in the hotel. Then we boarded the bus and were off to Shushi. On our way to see the students at the Shushi School we stopped to see the first tank that entered Shushi. After a few minutes of taking pictures we continued our drive. Before we could go to the school though, we had to go o the church of Shushi. It was really cool. First we lit candles, than we went in a little room under the church.

Shoushi Church

It was a special size so that when we stepped right in the center of the room and said a word really quietly you would hear it hit back into your ear and it sounded really cool but no one else could hear it the way you could because they weren’t standing in the middle of the room. Then, we did another experiment. First, we picked a partner. Then, we stood across from each other in the room. Next one of the partners would whisper into the wall and the other partner would listen to the wall and they would here what the other partner said. I wish you all could have been there.


Finally we got to the school. First they said some poems and sang to us then we said some poems and sang to them, and after that we all sang “Kedashen” together. Next we walked around and talked to each, while handing out presents. We had to leave early because they were practicing for “Verchin Zanku”, so we went to the Museum of Shushi. We saw the model of the Shushi liberation donated by the Maroukhian family. Finally we had lunch.


When we walked out from the restaurant we saw the students waiting for us. We played baseball until it got kind of boring then, we played soccer. After getting board of soccer we talked for a little, transferred emails and phone numbers and said bye. I will miss them.

After playing with them we went to Amaras but on our way we saw a huge heard of sheep. There must have been 250 or more of them, but they were so cute.

By Anoush Krafian

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