Day 7

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hi guys! It’s David. Today was May 28, 2009. We had so much fun today! We sang, danced, recited poetry, and “keffed” on the bus. Today was so exciting!

First, we went to Sardarabad where we celebrated May 28 (Armenia’s independence day). So many people were there, that you’d think everyone in Armenia had come. There we sang some more, took too many pictures (like always), and enjoyed some people’s entertainment.


Then we went to the Armenian Cultural Museum. There, we looked at old Armenian cultural artifacts, all of the Armenian superstitious items, and different clothing. What interested me the most in that museum was how the word “carpet” is originally an Armenian word “gaberd”. The museum was very interesting and entertaining.

After that, we had some free time. At 7:00, we regrouped for dinner then went to Hakhdanagi Aykee. . That’s where you can see Mair Hayastan, and her sword facing Turkey.  On our bus ride there, we saw our first really beautiful view of Ararat.


In front of Mair Hayastan, there is a carnival. We went there for an hour and fifteen minutes. We rode in Ferris wheels, drove bumper cars, and went in gocarts. At the end, we saw fireworks which were amazing.p5270039

It was so much fun, but we still miss seeing your happy faces to light up our hearts every morning. We miss you, think of you constantly, and hope you guys are happy. We’ll see you soon. Bye!

By David Babikian

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