Day 12


We started off the day by going to Echmiadzen. We went through the gate and we saw a very nice flowers garden it had roses. Then we went into the church and lit candles /prayed. At the church there was not anything original it was patched. It is amazing how that building held up for a very long time.

We went to Mesrob Mashdotses monument, where we also saw huge hand carved Armenian Alphabet letters and each letter had a picture on it. We took pictures and then went to the church next to there. We went down and took a group picture next to all the letters then saw Mesrob Mashdots’s grave. We took a picture and prayed for him and on his grave we promised to always talk Armenian. And then we got on the bus to go to the restaurant. We had lunch at a restaurant in Old Ashdarag and then went to Dzizernagapert.


We went to the museum next to it and a tour guide explained to us everything we learned about the genocide they showed us pictures and a short movie. I didn’t cry but it was really sad. After that we went to the Dzizernagapert we each put a flower in order, and took a moment of silence to remember the 1.5 million Armenians who died during the genocide. When I saw the fire I got all goosebumps because you remember everything that happened to the Armenians everything we learned about. We took pictures and then got on the bus.


Now we are going to the Vernisage shop, and after we have a free afternoon. After our free afternoon we went to an Armenian restaurant, we had pizza and chicken. We went to the other side of the restaurant and digin Ardemis started singing some of the songs we learn at school and we joined a bunch of people were clapping for us.


We took a cab back to the hotel to have some ice cream then go to bed.

-Ryan Guebenlian & Shant Gebeyan

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