Day 7


This morning we had breakfast. After that we went behind the hotel and went to see the Hotsprings and we felt the water. The temperatures of the water were 30,35,45, and 50 celsius. We walked back to the hotel and got on the little vans. The bus couldn’t go down on the path to Jermuk because the roads were too narrow. We went and saw the waterfalls.


When we were there we walked to a really big waterfall and there were stairs that went up the side of the waterfall so, we went up them and took a picture. Then we took the pictures the students went up the stairs first and then the parents. Then we walked back to the vans and went back to the hotel.

In Jermuk we saw big sculptures of Armenian heroes.


The church in Noravank was a tan-ish color. Before we climbed the stairs we went and saw the other church and lit some candles. After we did that we went to the Noravank church and climbed the stairs. The stairs were very skinny. On the side of the stairs was a little rope that went all the way to the top. When you reach the top there is a little room that on top of the church. We took a look around the little room and then took pictures in the opening and then we went down. When we were done with that we all went to lunch. The lunch was very good.

Back in Yerevan, at night, we saw a big statue of Armenian hero Garegin Njdeh.

-Serena Antoine

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