Day 5


Today we visited Dilijan. On our way there we went through a two and a half kelometer long tunnel that connected Kegharkounik province with Davoush. Once we came out the other end of the tunnel all we saw were trees. The entire area was covered in trees and flowers. I can’t find words to explain how pretty Dilijan was.


After we looked at the scenery we drove to UWC Dilijan college. The parents and Digin Ardemis had arranged for us to have a tour of the school. It was amazing! First we got to visit the library, where we sat on very comfortable seats and wrote in the “visitor book”. The “visitor book” is a book where the visitors of the school get to write down what they think of the school so far. I even got to write right next to the spot where George Clooney wrote when he visited Dilijan! After the library we went to the art gallery. The students are amazing at art. We even visited the gym where they have a pool and a bunch of exercise equipment. The last thing that we got to see at UWC was the principle of the school. He spoke to us and answered any questions that we had. I loved UWC Dilijan College.


We just finished up touring Haghartzeen. We saw an 800 year old tree that had been struck by lightning. There used to be a small hole in the tree. The legend says that if you passed by the tree you have to make a wish. After you make your wish you have to try to go through othe hole. If you make it then your wish will come true, but if you don’t it wont come true. Since the tree got struck by lightning the hole got much bigger so the legend does not work anymore. We also saw two churches which both had secret passages. One of the churches even had a stone column that was hollow so that it was easy to make around. In the old days they used to keep treasures inside of the stone.
We just went to Barz Lij. At the lake I was obsessed with collecting obsidian. Obsidian is a shiny black volcanic rock which is very sharp. Now we are headed off to Lebanon Restaurant to eat dinner. I had so much fun today. I hope tomorrow is just as fun or maybe even better.

-Sophia Kahvejian

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