Day 7


Today we woke up in the Stepanagerd hotel and headed down to breakfast. After that we got into the bus and went towards Shushi. After we got to Shushi we went to the school. Once we got to the school we walked in and met the Principal. After that we went to the classrooms to visit the kids. It was so cool to see the way the kids there had school compared to our way. Some of the kids put on a show for us. And a boy sang so nice. Also, we sang and recited poems.


After the teachers gave us some time to get to know the kids and many of us made great friends.Later, all of the classes we visited joined us outside and we all danced together. After, all the kids went up to the soccer field and at first the boys were only allowed to play but then we convinced them to let the girls play too. When we were done we said our goodbyes and walked toward the Shushi cathedral.

This was the cathedral that the Azeris hid there weapons in so the Armenians wont steal them since they know the Armenians will never destroy one of there valuable churches.

Soon after that, we saw the Sasuntsi Tavit tank, that led the Artsakh soldiers to their victory, against the Azeris, during the Artsakh war in 1992. We took pictures then went to lunch.

For lunch we went to place called Garas we had yummy pasta and many more things.


After we drove to a market that is famous for its bread. There were many booths that sold shoes, clothes, and food.

After the market, we went to the ARS Sosse Kindergarten. The cute little boys and girls sang and danced for us. After that, we met the cute little boys and girls and took pictures with them. After, we continued following our schedule, and headed towards Mamik and Babik. When we arrived we walked up the steps to the monument. Once we got to the top we took pictures as a group and then each of us took ones a lone. After we went back down and went to the little shops. We all had time to buy souvenirs and then we left to got to the hotel.


When we arrived, we hung out for a bit then had some dance practice for the hantes. After, we walked to the restaurant. We all had pizza and it was very yummy. The restaurants scenery was very beautiful, and there were many flowers. During dinner there was a birthday party and at the party there was an entertainer. When the party was done he came to us and we all danced and had a blast. Today was a great day and we are looking forward for tomorrow’s plans.

-Saro and Gassia M.

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